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Disciplining Grandchildren?

Disciplining Grandchildren?

Everyone is seated around the table wearing party hats, eating cookies and ice-cream. There is a lot of laughter and noise. Wrapping paper from birthday gifts is all over the floor. The birthday cake ...

  • Disciplining Grandchildren?

    Disciplining Grandchildren?

Karen Elizabeth Angus

Karen was a high school student when she wrote this in 2000.

The late Erma Bombeck, one of America's funniest columnists and author of quite a few dissertations on the humor of life, knew the importance of laughter. "If I could live my life over," she once wrote, "I would have laughed more." People who laugh are pleasant to be with; pull a long face all day, and you will soon notice that others try to keep out of your way. Laughing speaks of humor and the importance of laughter can never be underestimated. It is a part of life. On the scientific front, laughter makes for good health.
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