Article: Why Did This Marriage Fail? Michael Franklin's Story

Michael Franklin's Story Background: Michael was 22 when he married Suzanne, 21. Michael met Suzanne while they were both in college. He had the lead in a play; she was one of the crew. They were married for two years before they divorced. Q: How did the romance develop? A: It was never a romance. It was just sex. We had a phenomenal time in bed.
Will Ending No-Fault Divorces Add to Family Values?
In 1969 the Governor of California, Ronald Reagan, signed the first "no-fault" divorce law which made it possible for couples to divorce without first proving the other guilty of adultery, abuse, or other spousal wrongdoing. Within 5 years, the idea caught on and 20 states passed similar laws. In today's courtrooms, "no-fault" divorces are common occurrences initiated by one or both of the litigants in all 50 states.
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