Changing Body Image
Tai Chi for Seniors - Chapter 1

Tai Chi for Seniors - Chapter 2
Q & A: Concerned About Sex at 60

Dear WholeFamily Counselor, I am in my sixties. So is my husband. I feel deeply connected to him. But I feel flat sexually. I just don't have the energy for it anymore. What should I do? Concerned About Sex at Sixty A Dear Concerned About Sex at Sixty, Throughout the life of a normal, healthy person there are ups and downs in our sexual desires. People who are harried, worried or under extreme emotional stress often feel flat about sex. As we grow older we can still enjoy sex but sometimes the drive is somewhat muted. This can be due to physical factors, or the reasons mentioned above. There are specialists in the field who can be consulted -- guidance counselors, sexologists and neurologists and they have means of assisting those concerned about the problem.
Letters About Changing Body Image
Letters About Aging and Changing Body Image
Dear Ma, One of the questions on my mind these days is the body and aging. I'd love your input. Does one accept the natural changes of the body? Does one fight them, go with the flow or find a way to stay firm and fit and invest the necessary time and effort? I was thinking about your running the New York marathon and the kids telling their friends with great pride, "My grandmother ran the marathon." I loved talking to you after you trained. You sound energized and full of the spirit of the thing. You told me once that it had helped you build stamina and discipline for other challenges of life, and that the marathon people stressed that what was important was doing one's personal best.
Letters About Changing Body Image: Felice Consults with Dancer-Friend Fa
Toby and Michael
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