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Whole Family

I like living here. There’s a pond in the park and special paths to ride my bike. Joe Jr. is okay, too. I wish the others wouldn’t fight so much. At least I have my own room. It was okay when I had to share with Judith back in London, but I like it better now. She’s not always telling me to pick up my stuff. And Mum is too busy to even look at my room."
Joe Jr. and Judith are so weird. All they do is rag all over each other. The other day I went to this really cool family site and I wrote to the Kid’s Advisor about our crazy family. He thought that Joe Jr. and Judith had the hots for each other but were afraid to admit it. None of this makes sense to me but he said when a boy and girl fight a lot that usually means there’s a thing called "sexual tension."
The joke’s on me. When Mom was alive, I wished I had a big sister. Then Mom died. So now I have a new mother and a big sister who I can’t stand. She doesn’t get off my case, with her stuck-up opinions about dress and music. And Pamela seemed so nice at first, but now it seems that she’s letting Judith take over and get away with being nasty. (Sarcastically:) She’s such a good girl, with high grades, and she plays the piano. It’s not our fault that none of us was ever musical. She makes us feel like such low-lifes. What a snob
I didn’t ask for this. Why did he have to go get married and bring Her Royal Highness into our house? Okay, so he was lonely, but he didn’t have to screw up my life just so he could get some regular sex. I was just beginning to get my head straight and now everything’s all messed up again.
I didn’t ask for this. Why did he have to go get married and bring Her Royal Highness into our house? Okay, so he was lonely, but he didn’t have to screw up my life just so he could get some regular sex. I was just beginning to get my head straight and now everything’s all messed up again.
I was married to Michael Austen for twelve years - twelve long, unhappy years, I should say, the hardest years of my life. It began as many relationships begin, with romance and caring. But as time went on, I discovered that all the romance had been a ploy to get me to the altar. Once we were together permanently, I began to realize how self-centered he was.
I thought that working in the emergency room had prepared me for just about any situation. Boy, was I wrong. When Maria died, I fell apart. She was everything to me. I remember the first time we met at a fraternity dance. She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. I just stared at her, transfixed.
Meet all the characters from the Austen-Kutchinskys family.

By C, age 20. My eating disorder really started when I had the flu and I lost a few pounds. When I went back to university, I stopped eating carbohydrates (I liked that I was getting thinner) and I lost more weight. On spring break I lost even more. I wasn't really aware of what I was doing really - just that I couldn't eat much at all. I think this may have been due to breaking up with my boyfriend at that time and other men problems previous to that AND the transition of going to university 200 miles from home.

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